Whom should your recipients contact for help?
Unable to select a retailer?
If reward funds are Pending they will not become available until a later date that is designated by the sponsoring business. To see the available date navigate to Rewards Vault transactions.
If reward funds are Available any retailer options available within the available amount can be choosed.
Reward email has not been received?
Search for any reward at rewards.promotionvault.com/. A confirmation email will be sent in the next 15 minutes with next steps for the unlock process. If an email is not received within the next 15 minutes, search the spam folder rewards@promotionvault.com.
Can the reward be picked up?
No. All rewards are communicated and delivered through The Vault.
How long is a reward available to use?
All activated rewards are available in the Vault for 6 months from the eligible date of the reward. Other expiration terms may apply for each reward. More details are available once the reward is Unlocked from The Vault.
How is a reward redeemed?
Once the email is received, follow the redemption directions in The Vault. The Vault will include a personalized reward combination that is unique to the reward. Some rewards may require activation to a prepaid account, add funds to an account or may just give a code to use at checkout. Follow the “Get Help” link from The Vault page to visit the reward card vendor’s help page.
Can a reward be exchanged once selected?
Once a reward is selected it comes directly from the retailer and cannot be exchanged.
More issues?
Contact help@promotionvault.zendesk.com for any questions related to rewards.